Hi, I’m Edith, and this is a newsletter with comics and links. I’d love to know what you think; please feel free to reply to this email!
EdiyaASMR: “ASMR Reiki for Anxiety | Hypnosis for Sleep” [YouTube]
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, by Eckhart Tolle (1997) [Wikipedia]
I love the poufy, goofy GIFs from illustrator/animator Miguel E., like these strolling pears [Instagram]. More of his work can be found on his site. (Thanks, Steve.)
“In a sense we’re all hooked, the Buddha taught. Not on alcohol but on a desire to be happy—which often means a desire for things to be other than they are.” From Joan Duncan Oliver’s 2004 “Drink and a Man” essay on addiction, in the Buddhist magazine Tricycle.
I relate to Day 51 of this rainbow lorikeet growing in its multicolored feathers. [Angela Robertson Buchanan via The Whippet]
Summer Pierre’s recent comic about an anxiety dream made me laugh. [Summer Pierre/Instagram]
Hundreds of free documentaries, linked on the site Documentary Mania. Reminds me I want to see the fungi one.
"rn af" hahahaha! Also your drawing of Eckhart is spot on!
rotflmao at "rn af"