Hi, I’m Edith, and this is a newsletter with links, personal writing, and comics about my life. I’d love to know what you think; please feel free to reply to this email!
Reddit: What’s This Bug?
Also, boric acid Wikipedia
Useful Google Doc gathering of COVID-19 information, from Noah Brier. He also published a good “Why Is This Interesting” post this morning: “The ‘Forward This Email’ Edition.”
“For one who believes not only in God but in the goodness and graciousness of God, iniquity is the profoundest of mysteries.” An essay on the Terrence Malick movie “A Hidden Life,” and beyond, in The Point.
“My sense is that the worst thing that happens in life is not death, the worst thing that happens in life might be to miss it. We all want physical health, but we need more than that for ourselves. … Being healthy is a means to doing what is purposeful or meaningful in life. You can do that more easily, sometimes, if you're physically healthy, but people do it anyway even if they're not physically healthy.” I really liked this moment from author and Commonweal co-founder Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, on Episode Five of the 1993 PBS series “Healing and the Mind with Bill Moyers,” which I’ve written about a couple times already. (The series is available to rent on Amazon, and individual episodes are streaming for free on Vimeo, including this one. I can’t recommend it highly enough.)
“Back in 1960, they were just kids. Back then, they had no idea how this was all going to turn out.” I enjoyed this installment of sportswriter/novelist Will Leitch’s newsletter, about the nature of crews at work and elsewhere. (I used to feel like I was “House Awl,” but now I’m more House … Substack? Gmail? Other?) “I’m not sure you really live a full life and keep a crew together indefinitely.”
“[Creating bats] god: well we already made birds…” [soul nate/Twitter] Thanks, David.