“How to Remove Paint Scuffs on Car” [ChrisFix/YouTube] and “How to Remove Any Paint Scuff From Your Car” [Kleantrix/YouTube]
“It’s a skill to accept bad news as it is a skill to share it.” Great new illustrated newsletter about conflict and connection, from a public defender. [Conflict Confidential] (I included this link last week but had the wrong URL. I apologize.)
I’m pretty sure I opened 40% of the links in the latest installment of Kelsey Keith’s interior-design (and beyond) newsletter Ground Condition. Bon Ami is on my list now.
It was exciting to be included in this New Yorker story about knitting, by Carrie Battan! [TNY]
Conclusive evidence that the internet has local knowledge (URLs as latitudes and search terms as longitudes) with the best advice always coming from that mysterious person you've never seen before in line at the coffee shop.
So funny!