Hi, I’m Edith, and this is a newsletter with comics and links. I’d love to know what you think; please feel free to reply to this email!
“A dive into the most popular, wildest conspiracies surrounding the Denver International Airport.” [The Denver Channel]
“Blue Mustang,” a.k.a. “Blucifer” [Wikipedia]
Denver International Airport murals (“In Peace and Harmony With Nature,” by Leo Tanguma), details at Fly Denver (official) and at Out There Colorado (speculative: “What’s up with the creepy apocalyptic paintings at Denver International Airport?”).
“Quarantine Painting Recreation Challenge: The 35 Best” [Bored Panda] (And, my personal favorite.)
Other links:
“Insisting on zero risk to the fetus may actually cause harm to the mother.” Interesting Guernica story about risk, health, and pregnancy. (Book excerpt.)
“I am a dental anthropologist and … Our dental issues are not normal.” Long, harrowing SciAm article about teeth (which reminds me of this OneZero story).
“Please don’t allow anyone…” [Twitter/Phranqueigh]
“Name all the colors.” A color-naming site. (I named a green.) The latest submissions are also fun. [ColorNames]
“...when the entire world started shutting down, I thought it would be interesting to visit these [public live feed] cameras and document how the planet has gone silent.” Photographer Noah Kalina introduces his cool and spooky Panopticam project in his newsletter. (Thanks, Logan!)
“As anyone who is familiar with 13th and 14th century illuminated manuscripts can attest, images of armed knights fighting snails are common, especially in marginalia.” Knight vs. Snail on the British Library blog, via Kate Schutt’s newsletter.
“Oh, you won’t be working.” (“Explaining the Pandemic to My Past Self.”) [YouTube/JulieNolke]