Hi, I’m Edith, and this is a newsletter with comics and links. I’d love to know what you think; please feel free to reply to this email!
Update: The results came back negative, and I am feeling much better!
Nasal swab illustration [CDC], from these COVID-19 specimen-gathering guidelines.
“When I finally finished, I stared at the sweater in wonder. It was the most gorgeous, mysterious thing I had ever seen.” Knitting through pain, by Caroline Leavitt, on Modern Daily Knitting. (“Yes, it’s soothing, but it’s so much more.”)
“We can speak of ourselves as choosing our vocations, but perhaps it is at least as accurate to speak of our vocations as choosing us, of a call’s being given and our lives hearing it, or not hearing it. And maybe that is the place to start: the business of listening and hearing. Our lives are full of all sorts of voices calling us in all sorts of directions. Some of them are voices from inside and some of them are voices from outside. The more alive and alert we are, the more clamorous our lives are. Which do we listen to? What kind of voice do we listen for?” Frederick Buechner, from “The Calling of Voices,” quoted in The Half Marathoner.
“We punish and reward people for how well they conform to our ideals without even realizing it. We punish ourselves when the things we’re told to want keep us from appreciating and enjoying the things we have.” Katerina Tsasis in Modern Love: “When Marriage Is Just Another Overhyped Nightclub.”
I made this yogurt, olive oil, and lemon cake, and it was both good and easy! Delicious with ice cream and fruit. [The Kitchn]. Related: A roundup of food-newsletter recommendations, in Taste.
Another newsletter recommendation: Caitlin Dewey’s weekly “Links I Would GChat You.” I signed up because of the name alone and have not regretted it. Funny, light, sharp.
Here’s a good, weird Nancy comic on Twitter.
“When Your Best Friend Gives Birth to Your Babies—All 4 of Them.” [Atlantic]