Hi, I’m Edith, and this is a newsletter with comics and links. I’d love to know what you think; please feel free to reply to this email and/or forward it widely!

“It teaches you to let go and allow the spatial brilliance and inherent grace of nature create a unique stream of cabled rivulets.” A special knitting pattern from Cat Bordhi, by way of Modern Daily Knitting. (Thanks, Pamela.) (Also: “Knitting has the most marvelous ability to free up the knitter as a human being, while masquerading as innocent knitting.”)
The great Maria Bustillos and co. are starting a new publication venture called The Brick House. They’re funding it on Kickstarter, and I recommend checking it out. From the NYT: “A Media Pioneer Tries Again With a New Journalism Cooperative.” (The campaign ends on Wednesday, September 23.)
The best thing I read this week was Emily Ratajkowski’s essay in The Cut.
“Let me tell you something certain: When you find yourself doing the things you never thought you would be able to without the crutch of whatever it is you were addicted to, whether it's a big thing, like singing in public, or a small thing, like going on a date or just chatting someone up, you will feel so proud of yourself every time you prove to yourself that you are stronger than you thought you were. You instill in yourself a feeling of self-belief and a feeling of competence, and that feeling will guide you throughout your entire life.” British skateboarder and fashion designer Blondey McCoy, in an Instagram video on addiction.
Here are a bunch of great-looking online comics workshops, hosted by The Believer.
It was fun to do this podcast with Andreessen Horowitz (a Substack backer) and three other newsletter creators: “So You Want to Start a Newsletter.” (With transcript.)