Sponsored message: I am pleased that Drawing Links is again sponsored by The Browser. The Browser is a short daily newsletter highlighting five stories from around the web (with a podcast-highlight special on the weekend), and I’ve been a devoted reader since Nov. 2019. It has enriched my life! Check out some recent free installments here, here, and here. Full subscriptions cost $5/month or $48/year, but Drawing Links readers can get 20% off their first year with the code “drawinglinks20.”
I’ve been enjoying Varyer, a newish website (newsletter/internet entity/brand advisor?) made up partially of stylized Google Docs (“running a bath”) and more. Here’s their welcome notice.
“You’re only as good as your worst day.” I keep thinking about this Farnam Street post. (“On your worst day, you reveal whether you’ve been planning for the possibility of disaster or just coasting along enjoying the good times.”)
Also, I put another comic on the site for subscribers, as an experiment: “Screwtape,” a mini-story about demons.
Who are you and what is this? I’m Edith, and this is a newsletter with comics and links. I’d love to know what you think; please feel free to reply to this email! The full archive can be found here. Thank you for reading!
I'm enjoying your comics Edith! I enjoy how you smoothly alternate between the physical world and the emotional world.
I noticed my living room window is like a mini Stonehenge and on the Solstice the sun shone directly in my face for a few minutes at 330p before it sank behind the trees. I made a note on the calendar to see where it shines in June