Hi, I’m Edith, and this is a newsletter with links, personal writing, and comics about my life. I’d love to know what you think; please feel free to reply to this email!

Hyundai “Smaht Pahk” commercial
“Mayor’s Accent Deserts Boston for New York,” New York Times
“How Do You Pronounce ‘Candidate’?” The Cut
Car Talk, NPR

“Who among all of the billions of humans that have ever existed was the absolute loneliest?” [RealLifeLore/YouTube via Kottke]
“The Best Hike in Every State.” A 2019 Outside story, linked on The Morning News. Opens with a beautiful GIF! (I think it’s a GIF?)
“Americans were forecast to break records with their gifting on [Valentine’s Day], spending an average of $196.31 on their loved ones — a 21 percent increase from last year’s average...” I love Charlotte Cowles’ money-themed With Interest newsletter. It makes me feel smart, quickly.
“Love is not a feeling. Feelings come and go, while love is steady.” Philosopher Eric Schwitzgebel on Conjugal Love.
“Despite the polar community’s skepticism, O’Brady took the concept and ran with it.” This will probably come back to bite me, but I enjoyed rubbernecking at the Colin O’Brady drama in National Geographic, bundled together and summarized on Metafilter.