I live in vermont and work for a cat rescue (queencitycatsvt) and if he's an unfixed boy he probably wasn't owned and is roaming! So taking him in is super good as he can stop impregnating other cats. He may have been raised around humans but so many folks cant keep up with kittens and end up dumping them outside. So sad but our shelter/spay/neuter system is lacking and cant keep up!

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He’s been neutered, fortunately!

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Ivan! You lucky, lucky boy!!!

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There is something so endearing about your comics... I have not yet ventured into trying comics myself but I want to! You are inspiring. I love seeing bits of your life. Truly a big fan. : )

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Thank you ❤️

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This made me so happy

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my favorite parts of your sketches are the bubbles where you start to write words then change to squiggly mumbles

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Cats never scratch/ enjoy the thingy you buy them but always scratch the thing you def don’t want them to! But I’m a sucker for them anyway.

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Yay Ivan! I’m so glad you kept him. He already loves you. WTF WITH the ‘let him go’ nonsense?? Yes, he’d be happier fighting for food and freezing. Sheesh

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ivan is so lucky to have you as family! CUTE!

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He found his people!

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yo h a o 4 8 and nortre dame dear dame EZ laugh out loud got me again xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Aww, kitty! He seems very happy to be your cat.

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Aww. ❤️ We also just read “Total Cat Mojo” by Jackson Galaxy, and recommend it to all fellow fur parents.

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Spread a little catnip on his new scratching post and that will likely get him interested :) Congratulations! It's a boy!

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If Ivan wanted to go Back to where he came from he would have done it by now. He has chosen you for his owner. 🥰 Buy some spray cat nip for the cactus scratching post . It should help.

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Some of these cat frames were giving me real John Porcellino vibes 😌

RIP his cat muse of the '90s and '00s, Maisie Kukoc 🐾

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