THIS is peak Edith Zimmerman!!!!!!!

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Ha! ❤️ Thank you, EJC!

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman

two thumbs dripping in ancient roumanain jewelry (and blood) up!!

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman

Love the intensity in the eyes!

There used to be a person who did Bat Tours in Prospect Park — they had this device that would click with their sonar or whatever and you could hear them fluttering around.

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Oooh, they sound cool....

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman


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May 6, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman

Just perfect. But will the man get rabies in another episode ?

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Thank you, Irwin! And: a great question. TBD.

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman

One of your best yet!

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Thank you, Chris!

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That is so good!

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Thank you, David!

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman

This is amazing! It's like part of a Dracula reboot. I love it so much.

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Thank you, Julia!

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman

I keep reading it again and again! I want to be able to walk faster (my knee doesn't allow running) so guess I'll be on the lookout for bats to rescue. Although my uncle who kept goats was bitten by one as he helped it get untangled from a fence. He died later that day (the goat, not my uncle) which was highly suspicious, the Health Department was called or whoever you call in these situations, sure enough goat had rabies. After it turned out he was allergic to the rabies antidote another was flown in on emergency wings and to make a long story short my uncle did survive. Rabies - it is not where you think it is.

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Ok, this was wild. I am rarely genuinely surprised by a story, but definitely was here. Best afternoon oomph-provider - thank you!

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Thank YOU, Kelly! This is so nice to hear :)

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I loved this Edith. If anybody made eye contact with me on a run I would grow wings and fly away.

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I'll keep an eye out for you, Claire 👁️

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let's run a 5K together and never break eye contact the entire time.

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman

this was so good.

just the other weekend i was listening to a story on npr (maybe it was this american life but i can't remember) about rabies. i didn't realize how deadly it was. they told the story of one girl who survived. she was bitten by a bat in church while trying to save it and get it outside. the whole thing was pretty surreal.

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Thank you! Rabies is terrifying. Was the show this, on RadioLab? https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/articles/312245-rodney-versus-death I'm about to listen to it myself! (There was also a This American Life one with a rabid raccoon that was also terrifying and memorable.)

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman

yes! that was it!

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman

So good! Great story and illustrations.

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Thank you, Mari!

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May 5, 2021Liked by Edith Zimmerman



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Love this. :-)

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Thank you, Jean! :)

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